I wholeheartedly recommend that you put the book aside and throw something away immediately. If you're going to wait until you have timeyou'll never have it. So take the first step towards a minimalist life now. You won't regret throwing anything away. Todayall I have are possessions from beforewhen I was still living in my dilapidateduntidy apartment; that isit turns out that I lost one of my belongings. do you know what i will tell you To be honestthere is not a single thing that I will regret. If there was ever something I was sad aboutnow I don't even remember what it was.
That's how insignificant all this crap is to me. It seems that it is because of fear of regret that I C Level Contact List dare not say goodbye to things. It is inherent in each of usand it is understandable from a purely human perspective. But don't get hung up on the fact that one day you might suddenly need an old jacket that's been gathering dust in your closet for a decadeor a shell you collected at the beach as a kid. Tell yourself that there probably isn't a single thing you throw away starting with the obvious garbage The best way to get used to throwing things away is to make it a habit.
To achieve the desired effectit should be formed gradually. Let's say you want to make it a rule to go for a regular morning run. On the first dayyou can get up early and head straight for the gate. Seconddo the same and put on your sneakers. making progress towards your main goal. Ichiro Suzukione of the best baseball players in Japan and the United Statesfirmly believes that this is the only way to one day achieve something truly great.